
Showing posts from May, 2022

How To Make Money As A Songwriter

  Whenever making money as a songwriter is mentioned, there is often a large division in the crowd. One side will laugh at the thought, while the other is quietly grinding away making things happen for themselves.  Even if it’s not making a living, there is potential for some money to be made! It is actually easier to make money, and potentially big money as a writer than it ever has been before!  songwriter Yes the industry is saturated, yes some of the doors are tough to open, BUT! There is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Because of the internet and the services available to EVERY writer out there today it is possible for you to get your songs heard by more people, and even dare say the right people! In this blog we are going to go over HOW to make money as a songwriter. Not the services and how you can use them (but SongShop is one of them :p ).  HOW SONGWRITERS GET PAID There are three main ways to make money as a writer, and each of them have layers insi...