Why Do You Need a Pro Demo? - SongShop
So what is the purpose of getting pro demos of your songs? Aside from the fact that most writers like to have recordings of what they write, having a pro demo will open doors for you as a writer that a poorly recorded demo just doesn’t have the power to open.. Having a great demo of your songs will instantly give you a leg up over other writers! With the amount of submissions publishers, artists, and platforms like SongShop get, a poorly recorded demo just won’t cut it.. (see what I did there?) Let’s go over the 3 main functions of a song demo! Reason 1: Shaping The Melody & Structure A really important part of recording a song demo is to shape the melody and structure of your song. When you record your music it is a great way to learn about some of the issues your song may have. Arrangement, line length, time signatures, rhyme schemes, lyric flow, essentially any areas of the song that might have a musical issue will be brought forward in the demo process. When...